Combined metal sheet cutting technology (plasma underwater cutting and oxyacetylene cutting) is used in manufacturing processes. Two robot devices also using combined technology are used in the manufacture of profiles. Cutting capacity during mirror mode of work is 1,200,000 meters of cut per year or about 137 meters of cut per hour. Manufacturing lines are supported by automated and robot stations. Every phase from design to delivery occurs in the shipyard. In cooperation with clients from the very beginning, the design team is capable of producing a design, and production team can successfully realize the project in accordance with quite specific requirements and wishes of the owner which represents the greatest advantage of Brodosplit.
Metal structures
On highly competitive international tender Shipbuilding Industry Split d.d. won project of construction of 63 steel floodgates that are to be installed in Mouth of Malamocco, Chioggia and San Nicolo which are lagoon inlets leading to Venice, with the purpose of stopping the influence of the tide on the City of Venice. Interventions for the construction of the MOSE barriers are carried out by the “Ministero delle Infrastrutture e Trasporti - Provveditorato Interregionale per le Opere Pubbliche di Veneto - Trentino Alto Adige - Friuli Venezia Giulia già Magistrato alle Acque di Venezia“ through the Consorzio Venezia Nuova. Italian architectural-construction Consorzio Venezia Nuova chose Split Shipyard on this tender as the best bidder and officially selected contractor because of experience and expert knowledge of its shipbuilders.
Brodosplit can design and build all known types of ships and special constructions, such a steel wind towers for wind power plants, roof constructions for sports halls (Spaladium Arena), oil platform piles (Labin, Ivana A), various types of cranes for hydroelectric power plants (HE Lešće) and electric power plants (TS Dugopolje), ship and roof cranes for restoration of cultural heritage monuments, such as Temple of Jupiter in Diocletian's Palace.
The construction of the world largest vertical coal-fired Hot Gas Generators (HGG) or siloses with capacities of 50, 110 and 220 m3 for cement factories, tanks of various sizes and for various purposes, producing of all types of steel and stainless steel constructions, gantry cranes for container handling, mechanical oil and gas pipeline lifting tongs and components of the bridge over the Drava river in Osijek on a pan-European road corridor Vc proof that we are competitive and quality company according to international standards and that Split Shipyard is able to construct very complex and demanding steel constructions.
Rigorous quality control is carried out and all products have warranty period during which all observed or coming into existence imperfections are speedily and efficiently removed in close cooperation of shipyard experts and client. The company has the entire necessary infrastructure for execution of its works at its disposal. All required standards have been satisfied in production plant and equipment with machines is fully adapted to modern and quality production. All employees and associates are trained for delivery of high-quality products and rendering of the highest quality service.
Art installations