The innovative data collection buoy will gather information that will be used to better understand everything from wind turbulence to aerial and marine life at a project site. The pilot unit, part of Ocergy’s ‘Blue Oracle’ (Buoy with Lidar and Underwater Equipment for Ocean Resource Assessment and Characterization of Life in the Environment) project, received the French Prefect Maritime anointment to be deployed for marine planning off the Occitanie region. This project is also being supported by ADEME in the framework of the Program of investments for the future.
“The OCG-Data is not only an integral part of our business plan but is also a first step for us in proving some of the innovative features of our OCG-Wind FOW platform. We have a growing pipeline of pre-commercial projects between now and 2030, until the offshore wind industry deploys large GW scale commercial FOW projects worldwide”, said Ocergy CEO Dominique Roddier. “Ocergy is a young company but our steadfast ambition to be one of the leaders in floating wind foundation design is only matched by the progress we have accomplished over the last few years”, added Mr. Roddier.
Data Buoy_Ocergy
Installation of this innovative marine data collection buoy will be in the vicinity of one of the floating wind ‘macro-zones’ in the Mediterranean Sea off southern France.
“Despite your current financial concerns, we are very appreciative of the full commitment demonstrated by the Brodosplit team and very pleased by the excellent job Brodosplit has done in fabricating our OCG-Data buoy for our Blue Oracle pilot project. As you discuss with your investors about the various business projects, I believe companies such as Brodosplit have a significant role to play in the energy transition and can be a strong enabler of the commercial FOW industry not just for the Mediterranean projects but throughout Europe entirely”, further added Dominique Roddier.
In addition to business, this contract also has strategic importance, because the Brodosplit shipyard is becoming an increasingly serious producer of demanding steel structures for offshore wind farms in the area of Southeastern Europe and the Mediterranean. By building buoys for Ocergy, Brodosplit is proving its capabilities in the offshore wind market, and it is realistic to expect the signing of new contracts for the construction of platforms soon, which implies the delivery of constructions with yearly project steel through put of more than 100,000 tons in the period up to 2030.